Today is not my best day in the hospital. I am "sitting" today, which is always a drag, but today is quite the day. I'm with two patients. Window is in restraints. I took him out of them this morning to get him cleaned up, but around 11am, he started getting restless, complaining of pain, saying that he didn't want anything for pain. Then when I look up, he's trying to pull his Foley catheter out (which is very bad, since he just had bladder surgery). He's now very angry with me and anytime I go near him, he gives me a mad mad mad look. Door is not in restraints but does have to go to the bathroom every hour. Really. This is every hour with diarrhea. And it's a two person job to get him out of bed. And he gets angry if it takes someone longer than five minutes to get to the room to help. Diarrhea. Every hour. 2 person assist. ...The worst part about this is that if he would start eating real food, they would take him off of the tube feedings ...