I wanted to read about Ted Kennedy's funeral this morning when I noted this headline on the nytimes.com webpage. "Students Get New Assignment: Pick Books You Like." This article, which I do think harbors a great idea, is spouting this new idea that is making the rounds in reading workshops. Instead of forcing students to read books like Moby Dick or any Henry James, students can choose anything they want. (Having read both Moby Dick and Henry James, I don't have a desire to read either of them ever ever again) However, I don't think that these authors realize how behind the times they are. My Aunt Jeanne did this with her students more than fifty years ago. It was always the example that my dad and I used when talking about her dedication as a teacher. Who would want to read thirty books chosen by their students? As Aunt Jeanne noted, "It got them read, but they read horrible stuff." I wish that she could have read this article. I can just ima...