After we returned from Indiana, we relaxed with our dogs and told them how much we missed them. Well, I told them how much I missed them and Randal watched quietly and then hugged his cat. (And no, we didn't get another dog; we were petsitting for Stephanie while she was out of town.) It was a very busy week upon our return, but we enjoyed our first weekend at home by working on our garden. Randal built some great raised beds and our plants mainly survived while we were gone. The weeds have since come on strong and some birds ate all our lettuce, but I'm still proud. We're picking our snow peas and enjoying them and I'm able to season my pasta sauce with home grown herbs. One of our raised beds. Randal cuts down some branches, trying to get some extra sunlight to our tomatoes. The backyard garden. We have eaten 6 strawberries from our plants and lost several tomato plants to weeds and some alley hunters. Randal finishe...