Today marks five months since Stephanie's accident. Every month, on the 7th, I add another month to the one before, marking the time progression since her accident. Every month, on the 12th, I take another deep breath, because it marks yet another month since her heart stopped beating. But, tomorrow, June 8th, marks the first birthday that Stephanie has missed. And it would have been her 40th. In my experience, Stephanie was not one to celebrate birthdays. She always asked me not to do anything and I never listened, although I did become less obnoxious about it over the past couple of years. She would always remember my birthday though. When I asked her why she always celebrated my birthday and not her own, she said, "Your birthday is important to you and mine isn't!" (And, being selfish about my own birthday, I was okay with that.) We did talk about her turning 40 at one point. It wasn't a long conversation, but more of a realizati...