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Showing posts from October, 2022

Sometimes things go well.

I had my first class today. It’s a 3 credit hour course, so we meet two times a week for 2.5 hours each time for the remainder of the semester. It’s Stress Prevention and Management. Something that I’ve had extensive experience with… (haven’t we all?) And it went well. My students were attentive. I felt prepared. The topic was interesting. And I am grateful for all of that.  Also, for the leaves. They are so beautiful right now.  (I don’t have any pictures of those things, so here are my cute kids. They’re great too.)

Kid bedtime

Is it bad to be grateful for the kids’ bedtimes? Sometimes, there’s so much noise. So many questions.  So tonight (please soon), I will be grateful for silence and sweet dreams. 

My brother

My brother turned 43 two days ago and deserves a post.  He is the funniest person I know. He’s tolerant of me sending him feminist literature. He is kind and patient. He loves my kids like his own. He supports me - but will challenge me if I’m out of line. And he shares my history via inside jokes and outdated movie quotes.  So, happy birthday Charles. I’m grateful for you. When you’re around, it’s all violin-playing goats. 

All the things

How do I express gratitude for all of the things? For the outpouring of birthday wishes, sweet and thoughtful gifts, generosity, spending a perfect day with my best friend? I don’t take it lightly. On my run yesterday, I reflected on the last year. There were a few weird illnesses, some scary events… weird things. Things that made me think- am I not supposed to make it to 40? Stephanie died at 39. It wasn’t a given.  So, yesterday, I felt grateful for all of the concrete things and people… but also, so grateful for life. For breathing and feeling. For my ability to run and laugh and be still and move. For the gift of our kids and our family and friends. For 40 years through thick and thin.  It’s not a given and I am grateful. 


Today, in one of my classes, the instructor asked how stressed we are: extremely stressed, moderately stressed, or happy.  I chose happy. I was the only one.  But, I am thrilled to be on this trip with my love- who knows me so well that he booked first class for our flight out. (“It doesn’t take much to make me happy”, I said, “just a decadent trip to NYC.”) The moon is shining outside of my plane window, the free drinks are plentiful, and my favorite person is by my side. I am grateful. For so damn much. 

Gratitude in unexpected places.

Yesterday, lice descended on the house. It threw our plans in disarray. When I told my gentle reader that I wasn’t feeling particularly grateful, she noted, “at least it wasn’t bedbugs.” And I’m grateful for her and that perspective. Because even despite the lice, the kids cooperated, randal was an equal partner, and I have a great washing machine.  Here’s to gratitude in unexpected places. 


It was a full and busy day. I also got my flu shot. Is that why I’m so tired?  Anyway- I’m grateful for my bed and no plans tonight.