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Phun in Phoenix

Mom and I have arrived in Phoenix after 1700 miles and about 30 hours of driving the U-Haul. While driving the truck got easier, I am pretty sure that both Mom and I will be happy to turn in the truck and be done with it forever.

And Odie did a fantastic job. His sedatives worked marvelously (ever seen a drunk dog?) and he was content to be strapped into Easy Rider harness. Or relatively content, that is.

I am feeling braindead and "The Andy Griffith Show" is distracting me (you can tell how tired I am when THAT is distracting me), so more stories to come. For now, enjoy the pictures of our adventures.


Anonymous said…
Your mother (not calling her "Mom" masks my identity. oops.) let you drive the first leg? I hope you didn't try to adjust the radio on the way down the hill.
Talia said…
odie looks great! but not as great as the two lovely ladies driving the u-haul!