I have been reflecting about the last ten of years of my life. They certainly have been eventful. 10 years ago, I was starting the final semester of high school in Muncie. Since then, I have lived in Ohio, Montpellier, Ohio again, Lyon, Colorado, Bloomington, Indianapolis and now Phoenix. That's a fair amount of boxes that I have packed and unpacked. 10 years ago, I was sure that I wanted to be a physician and knew that I would never be a nurse. If I had followed that career, I would only be in my second year of residency and wouldn't have been allowed to be a bum nearly as much as I have been. I would have oodles more student loans than the oodles that I already have. I am glad that I am not a physician. 5 years ago, I planned on living in France after college for several years. I couldn't exactly visualize what I would be doing, but I knew that it would be fantastic, fun and lucrative and I would be very chic. While that fantasy still appeals to me, I now know th...