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Black Lives Matter

It hasn't felt right to post pictures this week of my happy, privileged life.  The world needs joy and laughter and peace and love, but...  

But, if I only focus on my little corner of the world and the joy and beauty that exists there, I am not doing my part.  I can't open my eyes widely enough to see all of the injustice in the world and my heart could not take it if I could.  And I know that I will become calloused to this and there will be another news cycle that doesn't address systemic racism and doesn't bring up such a visceral reaction and doesn't present me with irrefutable examples of unfair violence.  I might not remember to reach out to my friends of color or my friends with children of color to ask them if they're okay and to acknowledge the gaslighting or the slights or the way that they always have to present themselves to be non-threatening.  I might start to forget.

I hope that I don't.  What a privilege it is to be able to forget.  What a privilege it is to not have to talk to my son about how he holds himself in order to appear safe for people nearby.  What a privilege it is for me to request that people put their dog on a leash and not have to worry that they are going to call the police.

There are many articles about what I can do - as a privileged white person.  And I hope that I continue to refer to them and continue to donate to causes such as the ACLU and the NAACP.  And I hope that I continue to talk about this, even when it's uncomfortable and that I don't forget.  And I hope that we continue to protest and fight and protest and love.

I hope that I can "be the change I wish to see in the world" (Ghandi).  And I hope that you can too.

Words that are stronger than mine:
