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 I am sitting on the floor of the basement with Maizie beside me. She's warm and is breathing slowly. She smells like herself. (Side note: I have also thought that Maizie had a unique smell. It's not dog; it's better than that. Something like grains, but wholly her. I have always loved her smell.) Maizie has been the best girl. I vividly remember when we learned about her. I had been looking for dogs and wanted the friendliest breed: a lab/golden retriever mix. While playing Dixit in our apartment in Baltimore with friends from grad school, our friend, Meagan, said that her mom's dog was having puppies and she thought that they were lab/golden retrievers. (Another side note... we were drinking. Maybe Meagan didn't say this. Maybe this is just what I heard because it was what I wanted to hear. But, by the time that we learned that they were not lab/golden retrievers, but rather an odd mix of dachshund, catahoula hound, and lab, I was smitten with the idea and too far
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Milo is 8!

My firstborn is 8 today and we have had the best day together. He has been sweet, enthusiastic, and appreciative. The weather has been beautiful. It's been wonderful. Milo is  sweet, enthusiastic, and (sometimes) appreciative. He doesn't like it when I'm mad at him and is quick to apologize. He will help his little sister and the smaller neighbors by reading to them, reaching things for them, or explaining the intricacies of Lego Star Wars in excruciating detail to them. (They're a good audience for this; I am not.) He likes to be challenged mentally (math problems forever!) and physically (I'm not sure I'll still be faster than him by his next birthday). He is getting better at losing. He has matured this year so that he doesn't cry at the drop of a hat - or tries not to anyway - and it breaks my heart when I see him wiping away tears, trying not to cry. (Unless it's because he didn't finish a movie a week and a half ago because he chose to walk aw

Final leg

We are in the home stretch. Last 10 minutes of the drive.  It was a good trip home. Our flight was delayed, but it allowed for a leisurely morning and slow (agonizing) goodbye.  The flight was good and Delta paid for a hotel for us (and made the reservations). We got to stay in the infamous TWA hotel (infamous to randal- I had never heard of it) in JFK and it was fabulous.  We then had our last flight home this morning. Mom is ready to see dad. Milo will start 2nd grade tomorrow. I will rush to get my class prepped for next week. Marian will be back to the routine. Randal is scrambling to catch up on work.  So, for now…. Ciao. A presto. 


 It's late and I'm tired. We also went to Murano today to see glass-blowing. Tomorrow these eyes will be full of tears. So, glassy-eyed indeed. This will be short as I need to head to bed. Quick update... Randal and I spent our last anniversary morning in Venice: I shopped and he went to another exhibition. We took the train and happily met the rest of the crew in the great hotel that Mom booked (with the utterly forgettable name: NH Padova). Mom had made reservations at Scrovegni Chapel: one of Giotto's masterpieces and some significant firsts: first "love" kiss among others. Our stay was fabulous and too short. We had a delicious dinner and were exhausted, so headed back home. Train back to the kiddos. Pumped for Scrovegni Chapel Marian lost a little enthusiasm for the chapel on the way. Incredible chapel. See Kenda for details. (She bought the book.) Darth Vader looms large even in Italy Kitty family, house, cars, and the cutest 7-year-old ever. Happy and full.