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Showing posts from February, 2021

Days at home

Most of us are spending all of our days at home, and we are too. But, working, school and volunteering are keeping my schedule full six days per week.  Today, the four of us were at home. Randal tried to fix our drainage system. The kids played quietly. I cleaned and picked up and did laundry. It was a lovely day with the family and I felt so satisfied at the end of it.  So, today I’m grateful for this day at home. It was a good one. 

Home-cooked meals

 If you are the main cook in your house, you probably haven't had someone cook for you as much in the past year of COVID.  I am the main cook in my house and I am tired of it.  I am tired of my cooking, tired of my meals, tired of making the effort, tired of groceries. So, today, I am grateful for the home cooked meal that I am served every Friday evening when we go out to Mom and Dad's before our early start at the vaccine clinic on Saturday.  Tonight we had meatloaf, vegetables, corn, rolls, and the good wine.  It was great.  I am grateful that I didn't have to buy those groceries, plan that meal, nor cook it.  Thanks Mom. These kids are pretty great too.

Horizontal stripes

I’m grateful for this fantastic hand me down that was used when it arrived and made it to the second kid. 


 I don't have a picture for today's gratitude moment because they're all at my parents' house in albums, printed from an ancient technology called film. Today I'm grateful for my aunt Juanita.  She sent such a wonderful (also gratitude-filled) email that I kept at the top of my inbox all day because it was such a nice walk down memory lane and such a warm, loving email that I needed amidst the work tasks. Once, she was buying shampoo in Target and the brand had something to do with horses.  Juanita whinnied down the aisle and I will never forget how hilarious I found that.  I still smile when I see that brand. I am so grateful for my family - near and far.

Gratitude x 3

Friday- I was grateful for a super strong immune response to the COVID vaccine (yeesh) and a husband who brought me lunch on a tray on the couch.  Saturday- I was grateful for my dad who will come out to sled with the kids and me and who will go that extra run so we can break the sledding record.  Sunday/today- I am grateful that Randal has given me the time and space to complete a class paper and for the moment when i asked Marian if i worked too much and she put out her hand for me to hold and was so sweet. 

Lent and gratitude

This was supposed to have been posted on Ash Wednesday, but my phone didn't upload it.  This is why the first and second post seem backwards! A friend texted me today and asked if I was doing anything for Lent. She’s a lapsed Catholic and I’m not religious at all, but it seemed like a good time to focus on some goodness.  So, we decided to share 40 days of gratitude. Which I will also share here.  And to start, I am grateful for this snow and the cold that is keeping it here.  The joy of sledding is infectious. It’s beautiful and active and fun and laughter-filled. And I’m so grateful for this week of a real, beautiful winter. What a gift and how lucky am I to share it with some of my nearest and dearest. 

Easy for gratitude today.

Thankful for science and public health.