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It's that time again.

It's time for me to make a list of the positives in my life. Nursing school has got me down and it's 2pm and I haven't managed to look at a critical care concept since I got home (I have checked my email 15 times though...). So. Here is February's optimism list.

1. It is 60 degrees right now. I hate 40-50 degrees and think that that range should be skipped; thanks to Indiana weather, it was this week!

2. My community test is over.

3. It's the time of year to eat sweetheart candies and Girl Scout cookies are on the way.

4. Spring break is a month away.

5. My new apartment has a brick wall and a knotty pine wall. Veeeeery retro.

6. I got an unbelievable amount of satisfaction from the black and white shelf liner in my cool new cabinet (courtesy of my landlord).

7. There's cake in my fridge.

8. I have fancy new teas that are delicious.

9. I had a dream a month ago in which an embarrassed guy had to ask (as some sort of game at a party) where the anus was. When I got annoyed with him (in the dream), he got flustered and went away, so I looked at the flashcard and saw, "Annulus." I thought that that was the funniest thing when I woke up. Annulus! What a funny word! How creative I am to make up such funny words in my dreams! And then, last week in class when we were studying the heart, we learned that valve regurgitation can occur when the ANNULUS doesn't close properly! Annulus!! Hilarious! I was a happy girl.

10. This picture always makes me laugh. Me and stinky Art Boy:


Malealyn said…
60? Wow that sounds awesome. It is currently 38 here not to mention cloudy, oh now rain and just typically gross! Thank goodness for risotto this evening!
Talia said…
why are you such a hater of 40-50 degree weather?!?!?!?! at least it's not freeeeeezing!