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Rattlers and home

The weather was bearable enough yesterday for a hike around South Mountain and Odie and I were excited to put our hiking shoes on once again. Midway through the hike, I commenced another Phoenician intitiation ritual when I saw my first rattlesnake. We were at the top of the mountain, a little off trail to get a better view and when we started the trek back, I saw a snake about the width of my wrist. Odie snuck forward to investigate and a head popped out and the rattle commenced. Say what you will about my dog, but when I use my panicked voiced to call him, he comes!! Unfortunately, the snake was blocking our only trail, so we had to hightail it off trail, going the long way around to avoid Mr. Rattler. (Upon further investigate on Google... I think that it was a Sidewinder Rattlesnake.)

I think that I reached my target heart rate yesterday.

In other, more mundane, news. I have promised house pictures for ages. Note my "Welcome to Adulthood" couch. I'm very proud.


Talia said…
Awwww! I LOVE your place! I will totally stay there when I visit as opposed to *cough* well, anywhere with a pool and outside BBQ. ;)

YIKES about the snake!!! I read up on it, and the pictures make me squirm. I'm glad you got Odie and yourself away....especially since snakes are a sign of don't know where that could have gone!!!
Malealyn said…
Very nice couch. Although I still like the yellow love seat!
Malealyn said…
I'd just like to take the opportunity to clear my throat loudly here.

That's all.
torker said…
Your "adulthood" couch is the most youthful piece of furniture you have. Although, that might not be the case if Atlantic or Bloomington had an IKEA.