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Happy Anniversary

It was my Phoenician year anniversary last Wednesday and I toasted myself a few times throughout the day. I just reviewed my postings from last year and revisited my Scottsdale neck of the woods yesterday when I took Odie to the vet. And I'm trying to reflect on lessons from my first year in Phoenix.

1. Do not run straight into Jumping Cholla cacti. (I actually learned this vicariously through Odie.)
2. If you leave a candle outside in the summer, you will have to fish inside the wax for the wick, which has long since sunk to the bottom.
3. Saguaro Cacti might be the coolest plants on earth (I have learned a lot of cactus facts.)
4. Odie may NEED shoes to run on the asphalt during the summer, but he doesn't like wearing them.
5. Inviting yourself to parties and camping trips pays off when you meet new friends.
6. Said parties and camping trips go down easier with a bit of beer.
7. Oncology is hard and sad and inspirational.
8. It's important to find a happiness/sadness balance when you're working on an oncology floor.
9. Lock your gate when you live in downtown Phoenix and your dog is having a sleepover at his friend's house 'cause your bike might get stolen.
and most importantly....
10. The water straight from the faucet between the months of June and September will be boiling hot.


Malealyn said…
I don't think I considered the tap water. Wow. Anyways, CONGRATULATIONS!!! One year - that is Awesome!

Even though it is over now, I'll toast you a few times today!

Love you!