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Walking the dog.

And Odie said to me, "I'm feeling a little bloated... Do you think we could work out more?" So, I responded, "Odie, my dear, it is so hot here. It's 90 degrees at 6am and 107 when I get off work. We just can't do our hikes during the summer!" But, he's so defensive and responded, "You won't *#&%-ing love me when I'm chubby!" I reassured him that I would love him more if he were chubby, but he kept insisting. So, here we are:

Sorry about the camera angle...


Kristi said…
Spectacular. That song brings back memories of our desert hikes. Best part, however, is that Halo started wagging her tail when the song began and even old Spike lifted his head.
Talia said…
Hahahahaaa! GREAT post!
Malealyn said…
You have him looking at a plain white wall! Shouldn't you have some sort of cat program running on the television?
Rissa Watkins said…
I can't believe he stayed on the treadmill. How funny!