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This is just a quick update as Sterling and I attempt to psych ourselves up for the biggest art fair in the country.  It's rained all day and I find that I'm wiped out after a week of school, so it's far too easy not to leave the apartment.  We probably should though.

We are still settling into our place and are figuring out new roles and habits.  As I told Sterling last week, "I don't make the rules."  And he said, "Yes, you do."  And I replied, "That's true."

So, our happiest new rule is that we must read the New York Times together for at least a half-hour on Sunday mornings.  Last Sunday it was much longer than a half-hour and it was wonderful.  I'm so full of useful trivia from "The New Yorker" and "RadioLab" and "The New York Times" and my classes that I don't even know what to do with myself.  Sterling does though.  He tells me to hush.  Not really, he's the best audience I've ever had.  (EVER, Mom and Dad.  EVER.)

Another new rule is that when making declaration, one must use this picture frame.  Guess who made that rule?  Guess who has made all the declarations so far?

We have started to make friends though and last night, our newest friend came over with his dog and the dog that he was dog sitting.  One thing led to another and the dog was wearing sunglasses and deejaying the party.  I would like to point out that this dog belongs to a sporadic Huffington Post columnist who is also my classmate.  So, I'm pretty much famous now.

So, all is well in Baltimore.  Classes are still riveting, but challenging and my first midterm is looming on Wednesday.  Studying will have to commence soon, I'm afraid.  I continue to meet new people and I'm starting to flesh out my schedule for next term, which looks oh so fun.  Too many classes that I want to take!  

And it is raining here.  We've had some flash floods and the rain whoosh in one window, but I love watching it fall outside of our living room and hearing the pattering on the windowsills.  Sterling bought me a lilac yesterday and fixed our internet and put up a sturdy shelf so I have more space and I continue to be the luckiest girl in the world.

I hope that you all feel that way too.  (Unless you're boys and then I hope that you're the luckiest boy in the world.)
