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Well, disaster might be a big exaggeration, but it has been an eventful week post-Malea's fabulous wedding. 

We did have a wonderful time last weekend with family and old friends and delicious food and sunny weather.  Malea looked so beautiful and so happy.

And then we returned to Baltimore...  We have had a bit of a mold problem that was supposed to have been fixed upon our return from the weekend.  One week later and we're still waiting for the fix.  So, it's like apartment camping!  We sleep in the living room.  We cook food among all of our personal belongings (since our dressers are in the kitchen) and the bathroom is a tight fit.  We were hoping that it was going to resolved yesterday, but the unreliable mold man never showed up.  The saga continues...  But, this story had better be closed by Friday, because my dear friend, Nicole, is coming and I need my bedroom back!

Down and out Bogey
The real victim this week has been...  Bogey the cat.  He went outside on Friday night for his usually stroll up and down the stairs, but some noise frightened him, I believe.  Through force of will, he got back home, but collapsed in the kitchen and refused to go anywhere!  Turns out, he tore a ligament in his left rear paw.  (You may ask, is this normal in a cat?  No.  It's normal in dogs...  and girthy cats.)

So, Bogey is on pain killers and limps around the apartment, but is improving steadily.  One good sign in this debacle...  he never lost his appetite.  Then we'd know he was in trouble...

The Bendy Bunnies wished him well at the vet.
In other news, Randal (who has requested to leave Sterling behind, even though he is still "excellent or valuable" (Apple Dictionary) in my book) and I went to Washington D.C. on Friday to visit my mentor from the program.  She is pretty spectacular and walked me through Kathleen Sebelius's office, the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  It should be noted that Secretary Sebelius had many personal letters piled on her desk to which she was trying to respond...  I liked that.  (Of course, I have the same thing on my desk, but, I have a feeling that her letters contain less exciting tidbits of news and family events.) 

I finished the meeting and left to find Randal, but was stopped, since Obama wanted to drive by and say hi.  So, I watched his motorcade roll through and then proceeded to cross the street.  Randal and I walked through Capital Hill on the way back to the train station and rekindled our love for government.  (Or I did, anyway.)

It's a busy week ahead with midterms, but it'll be a good one. 
Events to look forward to:
1) "Liberal Arts" private screening for Kenyon alums in the Charles Theatre!  Check out the preview to see my Alma mater!
2) Nicole arrives on Friday!
3) Art exhibit opening at the Visionary Art Museum on Friday night...  Costumes encouraged!  (Of favorite literary character...  suggestions?)
4) and of course...  Saturday, Oct. 6th, 2012.  A big big day. 


Anonymous said…
Love the bendy bunnies
torker said…
Be sure to make the name change on your emergency contact form too.