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My December Christmas Card

Our homemade Christmas wreath made from salvaged greenery and Randal's capable hands.

Dear family and friends,

I take my last final in an hour and a half.

And then I'm on Christmas break.  I cannot wait.  Neither can Randal.  He is eagerly waiting for this manic month to be over.

It has been chaotic and hard and wonderful.  I have been crazy from eating too much sugar and burst into tears when laundry didn't go well.  I have presented petitions to the dean and president of the university and been interviewed by the paper.  I have not cleaned one of the bathrooms since moving in.  I have developed an assessment tool that will be used around the state of Maryland in local health departments.  I have become inordinately fond of a 26 pound cat.  I have never been aware of so many public health issues and their daunting solutions.  I have stopped listening to NPR because the news is too sad.  I enjoyed my final and even laughed in parts of it on Wednesday.  Two tears fell on my final yesterday.  I will yawn my way through the one today.

Randal has been busily working on his business and playing a pivotal role in our divestment campaign.  He has been the one making many of the meals and ensuring that the house isn't falling apart.  He has many projects that he's working on (as can be seen in his "Imaginarium").  Also, he tucks me in and calms me down and makes me laugh.  Really, I don't think that I'm exaggerating when I say it: he's the best.

I hope that you're all full of joy and peace, just like I will be as soon as my epidemiology final is complete.

Happy holidays...  starting at 10:30am.


Steph said…
Wonderful post, Katherine! Wishing you and Randal a happy holiday and peace amidst the ongoing blows that life throws our way. So thankful we became friends. :o) Love, Steph