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News flash: More friends have a great visit to Klamath Falls! Still decide not to move here.

Our dear friends, the Wissels, came to Klamath Falls.  (You can see their description of the trip with more photos here.)  Kristi and Andrew plan on moving west next summer and are trying to figure out where there new home might be.  Randal and I wanted to do our damnedest to get them here.

And we did.  Oh, we did.  Parties with fun friends.  Kinetic Sculpture Races.  Hikes on the hill.   Geothermally brewed beer. Delicious meals.  Crater Lake.  Camping.  So. Much. Fun.

Backyard lunch!
Our album cover.
Unfortunately, it didn't work.  I don't think that they're moving here.  Instead, they'll move to Reno or somewhere in Nevada.  Which is completely understandable.  And preferable to their current Indianapolis home and will provide countless meet-in-the-middle camping trips and a great location to park our car when we fly out of Reno.  Although, I would love love love to have Kristi (and Andrew, of course) as a neighbor again, I can completely understand their decision. 

I love everything about this picture.  (Except that I was a little terrified of heights when I took it.)
One of these days...  Randal and I will be persuasive enough to get one of our friends to move here.  We have another chance this week when Cory and Leah come to visit.  However, my hopes aren't up as I believe that they are lifelong Iowans.  So, I plan to ensure that this is a frequent vacation destination. 

P.S.  Check this out. I jumped off a cliff. 


Unknown said…
But we decided to move nearby! I'm already thinking about monthly camping destinations...