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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

I was briefly perusing my blog since Milo was born and realized that I have done it...  I have done what I said I wouldn't do.  Namely, cease posting about all of those things that are so important to me (politics, community volunteering, funny Randal anecdotes) and have posted solely about Milo.

Obviously, he's a 20 lb, soul-snatching monster (albeit the cutest and best one ever).  So, here goes life outside of Milo.

The Wellness Center opened to the public in March, celebrating a year of being open.  (See our front page story!)  We celebrated by adding huge new challenges to our agenda, so while I had hoped that we would coast for a bit, we are exploring the world of marketing, insurance reimbursement, and worksite wellness.  Needless to say, I am not bored, but continually challenged and stimulated by my work.

We also continue to work on community endeavors.  They broke ground on the Geo Trail (we received a grant to build this trail in October 2014) finally and so we're looking forward to seeing that completed.  It will be the first ADA-accessible trail in Klamath.  We continue to push our protected bike lane project forward (another newspaper story!  News is slow in K Falls...) as well as a smokefree downtown, but both projects have to be approved by City Council, so neither have been very speedy in implementation.

Blue Zones kicked off in Klamath and it was the most enthusiastic kickoff the administrators (Healthways) had ever seen.  They've been very busy around Klamath and it's been amazing to have the local team take charge of so much of community health.  Stephanie and I continue to serve on the Steering Committee and as such, I got to have a great conversation with Dan Buettner (Blue Zones founder) about the Wellness Center.

Randal is feverishly finishing taxes this weekend.  (He elatedly reported to me last week that taxes were due on the 18th, not the 15th!  "Did you know?"  He asked astutely.  "Maybe..." I replied.  "Jerk."  He responded.  He's probably right.)  He also continues to be very busy with Gaucho - the collective workspace.  And now that the weather is warm, we should be able to finish painting the building.  (And by we, I mean, Randal.)  This story was featured last November about our building, but unfortunately, we haven't moved forward much since then.

Hiking season has started again, but I haven't been able to bike as much, due to our resident body snatcher.  At 9 months, I should be able to bike around with him and hope to start some of the longer rides again.

A beautiful new hike 10 minutes outside of Klamath Falls.

Our home continues  (and will always be...  I'm sure it's genetic) to be a work in progress, as is our yard and garden.  The dogs turn three this year and are perhaps finally settling down.  They don't have such a reputation of being crazy anymore (or my friends have just become more polite).  And Beauregard turns 11 this year.  I fear that his diabetes has returned, but he is a trooper, constantly meowing for attention, and sleeping on clean laundry.  The longer I live with a cat, the more of a cat person I become, as you can see.

And because I can't go a whole blogpost without addressing him...

My favorite little body snatcher reached 7 months last week.  He's such a sad baby as you can see from the photo below and I only wish that he would bring his parents some delight.

Do you think that after bodies were snatched that the people were happy that they themselves subsequently became body snatchers?  I wonder that as I watch Milo bat around a piece of cloth for five minutes.

Not to mix metaphors, but I drank the Kool-Aid and it is delicious.

My favorite Body Snatcher.
