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A visit to campus

I am headed to bed soon after a riveting night of paying bills and closing my Chase accounts.  (Chase bank is one of the largest contributors to fossil fuels, so I felt that it was important to divest.  It is a pain to divest.  And not even very satisfying when they don't ask why you're closing your account.  I told them anyway of course.)

Moving on from my soap box, here are photos from our visit to IU's campus.  Beautiful flowers, beautiful sunshine.  And so many graduates (who were not practicing social distancing) who wanted to take their picture at the Sample Gates.  I am lucky to be in a time in my life when my momentous moments are small and with the people with whom I am quarantined.  I am not missing a graduation or a prom or a birth or a death.  I am celebrating Marian's new words and Milo's ability to write and (maybe?) start to read.  They're big moments, for sure, but cozy ones that one can enjoy in the safety of one's home.

Milo loved running around, throwing sticks, crossing bridges.  Marian loved pansies.  That got a bit tedious and it got a bit embarrassing how she would throw herself at them when we were leaving, screaming for more pansies.  

She's no pansy, for sure.
