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New Year's Eve is here and I break from tradition.

My heart skips a beat just reading the sentence above, but now, as I'm 26 years old, I think that it's finally time to go to a.... New Year's Party.

You see, nearly every year, I stay at home with my parents and whomever else may be around that year and we drink margaritas and watch "When Harry Met Sally." Sometimes we play games. Sometimes we go on a walk. Last year I barely made it to New Year's because I was so tired! But the drinks and the movie are a constant stand-by and I'm guaranteed to have a good time. It's also my dad's birthday on the 1st, so it saves me a hungover drive home. The times when I've missed this? I've been in Italy with my brother (despite several cooking disasters, I had a good time) and a year in Telluride (in which I ran into my ex, got into a dismal funk and went to bed at 11:45pm).

I choose to think that I'm not so much lame to stay at home with my parents every New Year's, but more, secure enough in my identity to do whatever sounds like the most fun. And my parents are very fun. So are margaritas. And if any of you haven't seen "When Harry Met Sally," well, you have no idea how much fun you're missing.

But, this year I'm dating someone and while I like to believe that these silly boys won't sway my emotions, two requests by Art Boy to stay in Indianapolis and go to a giant party and I'm putty in his hands. Ridiculous.

However, I think that it's good for me. It's at my friend, Kristi's house, and her parties are known to be a rockin' good time. And they're getting a deejay. And I'm sure that good food and good booze will be all too prevalent. So, I'm determined to put on my dancing shoes (even though they're too small, or too big, or something that will explain the fact that I'm a terrible dancer despite the dancing shoes) and to take a nap this afternoon (since 11pm has been my bedtime lately). And this New Year's Eve I will play with my peers.


Don't worry though. I've spoken to my parents and they say that we can postpone our New Year celebration and Dad's birthday party to this weekend so that I don't have to miss out on my beloved tradition. So, don't call me on Jan. 2nd... I'll be at a New Year's Eve party.


Talia said… was the par-tay???

i'm so proud of you for going - and DANCING! whew! i'm sweating just thinking about it. :-)

happy new year, katherine!