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Maximum drive time: six hours

It is almost ten o’clock and both kids are awake while hopefully mom is sleeping. Milo is quietly singing “slippery fish” to himself in bed where he takes up the majority by snuggling right up against his grandmother. 

I have reminisced about how different this trip is than any other. Six hours is about the max that we can to before we all have meltdowns. Rest stops take 30 minutes to an hour. For example, this rest stop experience: 1) we stop to go to the bathroom and for Marian to nurse. I stay in the car with Marian as she nurses for awhile. Mom and Milo run around and go to the bathroom. 2) Marian throws up all over me. 3) mom changes Marian and I take Milo back to the bathroom so that I can change clothes. 4) I have to feed Marian again since her stomach is empty from all the vomit. 5) five cars come and go in the time it takes us to finish. 6) we finally drive away. 

It’s a far cry from those marathon drives of the past. 

But, nevertheless, it is an adventure and there are definite highlights. For example, when Milo announced loudly at subway that cars don’t have penises. Car just have tires. 

He’s absolutely right. 

Here are some photos at the end of the day today with some much needed wine for all grownups and baths for all kids. 
