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Baby’s first zoom

I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already. Life in the time of coronavirus goes so slowly (was it only three weeks ago that I was at work?) and so quickly when your life is measured in Zoom meetings. 

Marian has stopped sleeping well and that makes everything harder, but I continue to be grateful everyday for our sweet little coronavirus setup. 

The kids and their grandparents continue to mutually wear each other out. Randal and I enjoy some quiet car rides and uninterrupted work time. It feels like such a luxury. (Especially after the days when we have the kids with us AND try to work.)

I love hearing from you all and feeling close - virtually, if not physically. 

Marian had her first Zoom call with her preschool class. It was pretty humorous. She was somewhat interested. Frankly, it was one of those meetings where they got little accomplished. We have all been in those!!

Milo drew this masterpiece for his aunt Charlotte. It is “Frozen 2’s” enchanted forest, if you haven’t seen the movie. If you have, then I’m sure you recognized it already. 

Happy Wednesday. And happy April!
