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Buongiorno principessa!

Neither Milo and Marian wanted to guest-author today's blog, but pitting kids against each other is an effective tool to get them to do something, so here is yesterday, according to Milo and Marian!

Marian: Yesterday, we put up party stuff. The party stuff was for Aunt Elisabetta. We ate food. We ate gelato, strawberry and raspberry. 

Milo: We went to a castle. And there were a lot of people in costumes. They wore armor and they also had real swords. There were no people dressed up as dragons, but Mom did chase Marian and tried to catch her and she pretended to be a dragon.

Marian: Yes there was a dragon with a costume! [See photos below.]

Milo: Oh yeah.

Marian: And there was a giant lady. But, it didn't spit water at me.

Milo: It doesn't spit water. It cries out water.

Marian: It did it at him and him. The two boys.

Milo: There was a birthday party. After the party, we went home. And I got ready for bed and then my mom read me Harry Potter. And then I went to sleep.

And back to me... It was a gorgeous day. We had a slow morning. Charles and I watched the start of the Vigolana Race: a 20K race up the Vigolana mountain (which Charles, Randal, and I intend to hike tomorrow). I found that cheering for runners is not a thing in Italy despite my best attempts.

Unfortunately, today's guest authors are arguing and crying, so I have to go parent. Italy is magic, but not magical enough to make our kids behave.

Randal found some nice property to buy.

On the way up to the castle.

Watching the fencing lessons

A view of the valley from the castle

A dragon loves on Marian before hitting on Randal

The troll tries to make friends with Marian before shooting Milo and Randal with water through its eyes!

Fierce knights

Fiercer knights


Heading back down

Belated birthday girl!


Joan said…
So nice to see all the wonderful photos of everyone! I love the matching T-shirts! Happy Birthday Elisabetta!