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Summer II is yawning before me.

I wish that I were more excited about the next six weeks of my life. After all, it IS summer, a season that I love. The tomatoes will be ripening, I can make fresh pesto, the weather is hot, gin and tonics are back in season and the outdoors simply buzzes with activity and anticipation.
Six weeks of an intensive psych course has the potential to cramp that summer style a bit. Despite the fact that currently this is our "mini-vacation" between summer sessions (a whopping four days) and a time for most of us under-achievers to catch up on Ethics homework, we have 10 chapters assigned to read and several worksheets due Monday. If, when I say worksheets, you're imagining worksheets similar to those in elementary school, then... you're unfortunately right on target. Last night I spent a solid amount of time doing a vocabulary list. I looked up the words in the glossary and then wrote down the definition. It reminds of me vocab lists consisting of "beaker" and "cumulonimbus cloud". Nursing school... When they state, "It's not busywork," you know that it is.
On a different note, it was Mackenzie's birthday last weekend and she had a good one (I can state that because I was around for most of the feting). I feel like I reaped the benefits of the celebrations for multiple reasons... I got to practice my mad Guitar Hero skillz some more (Yeah Lars Umlauch!), I was able to consume an inordinate amount of Doritos (even after I had the self-talk about the dangers of Dorito consumption... not only long-term, but short-term too: they rough up my mouth!) but mainly, because for this week's entirety, I have been finishing Mackenzie's birthday double chocolate cheesecake. I think that it is one of the highlights of my culinary career and its success made my week. Perfection in cheesecake form.


Lastly, the Chicken Caper was a success. 99 chickens were butchered that weekend and they're now residing in the freezers of the Caperites. Chris Dickens did an excellent step-by-step look at the whole process, which really encompasses the glory of the Chicken Caper ( Applications currently accepted for Chicken Caper '09.


Malealyn said…
that cake looks unbelievable! where did you find the recipe?
Talia said…
lars is THE BOMB!!!!! (but mostly when you are playing as him - he, he!)

doritos are amazingly phenomenal and worth all of the pain that ensues after consumption. although, i feel like i can say this with confidence since i don't rip apart the roof of my mouth while eating them!!!

finally, your cheesecake was freakin' amazing - and this is coming from a girl who isn't huge on chocolate. you're wonderful, katherine!