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T-2 days.

The Bush family is cleaning out their stuff and finishing last minute pardons and the Obama clan is busy planning new White House decor. It is a goooood week.

We arrived yesterday after an easy trip to D.C. Our hotel is about a mile from the Capital Building and very close to a metro stop. Instead of sleeping on the floor, which was the original plan, Jackie (Art Boy's mom) managed to get us into a room with two queen beds. Very nice.

Today we're going to a concert at the Lincoln Memorial with a plethora of artists like James Taylor, Beyonce, Queen Latifah, among others (that I can't remember right now). It should be great, if it's not too cold and too crowded. By the way, the crowds are something that we're factoring into every plan this weekend. DC is inundated with Obama supporters! It's quite the spirit that is rampant here.

It's a great time to be in city. It certainly makes me feel proud of my country.


Malealyn said…
We want a new update!!!
Talia said…
soooooo fun! i'm glad that you're there safely!

guess what?!? i'll be in d.c. this week (wednesday-friday) for the march for life!

i'll be looking for you on tv during the inauguration. make sure you wave! :-)