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On the road again. Again.

I’m not sure how it’s been ten days since I last posted. Time flew. 

I need to go back and document all that we did in Klamath. It was so full of fun and memories and jam-packed with adventures, so it will be too easy to forget all that happened. 

But, typing on a cell phone doesn’t feel conducive to that, so we’ll pick up with the adventure of yesterday. 

The morning started perfectly. A beautiful run with Molly and I felt great and the coffee was delicious and Lauren made pancakes for all of us: a robot for Christian, Elsa for Annie, Dogman for Milo, and Oregon with a heart in it for me. 

Our goodbye brunch was pushed back a little too late, so we started after lunchtime, without lunch, and the kids and I were hangry and tired and so sad. We moved away from Klamath in March of 2019, but it still feels fresh and painful to drive away from those faces that I love so much. 

Some sort of cold started to drag me down and my tolerance for getting toys for the kids was lower than normal. The fridge/freezer isn’t working and we are scrambling to keep food cold and there have been other minor problems with the RV and ugh.  It was not the best start to the trip. 

We arrived in Winnemucca and Randal did all of the things: dinner, kids, bedtime routine. I fell asleep as early as I could, woke up to eat, and went back to bed. Woke up to nurse cranky Marian and went back to bed. Woke up to screaming Marian at midnight and went back to bed (after Benadryl and a long bout of listening to her). 

This morning was better. While still not at my best, randal and I continue to reassess progress. We do not want this final leg of the journey to be crummy, even if we’re sad. Also, we both “work” this week, so we will require some patience with each other. 

Now, we are traversing eastern Nevada and stark desert is beautiful and flat and easy to drive. In an hour or two, we will cross the salt flats and I always love that. 

Milo is napping, Marian is munching on nuts, and randal is quietly driving. As I reminded him (and myself) yesterday when we were getting ready to leave... it’s hard to leave these friends and sad, but as long as he’s traveling with me, it will all be okay. 


Glenn Gailis said…
Hi I thought maybe a new RV could make one trip without something going wrong, but I guess that I was wrong. I’ve been watering at the Wellness center and took a break. It’s hot so I am sitting in your old office in the dark, cool room. Wish we could visit. Ha,ha. I am drinking again as well...... only water! I know how you feel. It is sad to know you guys have driven away again. We will miss you. Please stay in the moment and enjoy the time together and the trip. I am so very good at giving advice, am I not? Have a safe trip. Glenn