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Just another day in paradise.

It was a sign on the bathroom wall in our hotel at Jacob Lake and it certainly proved to be true today.

Today was another day where this morning seems far away and it's difficult to believe that we've seen so much in just one day.

We began another beautiful day this morning in Springdale, just outside of the park, and it took only minutes to enter Zion. We started out with a small hike, walking briskly by the river and marveling at the canyon walls surrounding us. The shuttle dropped us off at different spots around the park and we took various stops to see the steep walls, chocked full of color.

At the end of the shuttle line, we descended to see "The Narrows," the part of the canyon where the rock was too hard and it becomes a very narrow river gorge. Francois and I took off our shoes and waded in the frigid water (51 degrees) until our feet were so numb that the water seemed almost tepid. We walked upstream a ways with incredible beauty surrounding us and managed to warm our feet in the hot springs that were coming out of the mountains. Very few people were doing this walk and we were certainly the only ones with bare feet!

The three of us continued to meander around Zion, taking little hikes and having a lovely lunch outside. The beauty is truly indescribable and I definitely recommend the park to everyone... Drive through during the day though; it's much more enjoyable.

We got back in the car for a relatively short drive to Bryce and arrived just as the sun was setting so we could see the fabulous reds in Bryce Canyon. It's hard to believe that these colors exist really, that we're not enhancing them in some way, what with the blue blue blue sky and the red red red rocks.

We have a wonderful lakeside view at Ruby's Inn this evening and there is plenty to do here. We had our last big-ish dinner and Francois and I took advantage of the buffet. He ate like a true American at a buffet and I think that he was feeling completely stuffed afterwards. As all Americans know though, it's not a real buffet if you don't feel a little nauseous at the end!

There are evidently some technical difficulties with the pictures tonight, so I'll try again tomorrow. I must head to bed though as we're planning on watching the sun rise tomorrow morning and we have to get up early!

Hard to believe that this is the last night in the hotel. I will probably do my last post tomorrow from the airport. Ack! Tristesse!

p.s. Denise and Francois have been saying throughout our journey, "We shall return!" Francois tells me that there are no adjectives, adverbs, words to express how happy they are to be here and to see the United States with all of its glories and its follies.
