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27 going on 88.

I have worried that I'm old before my time quite often, but an incident yesterday solidified it.

You see, it's true that I go to bed at 9pm.
I sometimes drink warm milk and honey before I go to sleep.
I regularly do crossword puzzles and thoroughly enjoy puzzles.
My closest companion is my dog who often climbs onto my lap.
I only buy shoes that are comfortable and bras that offer good support.

However, yesterday, I found myself going 55mph in a 65mph zone for no reason. I was going under the speed limit for no reason. I committed one of my pet peeves and now I'm very afraid that my senior citizen neighbors are wearing off on me.

Well, it's 6pm: a good hour past my dinner time. Must go eat some prunes and pudding.


Finklestien said…
I think they have some very good shuffleboard teams in Phoenix
Malealyn said…
Shuffleboard. Or there is always gin rummy or bridge.
Anonymous said…
Groaning whenever you stand up or sit down is also a clue. What a minute...I resemble that remark.
