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One child is not like the other.

It is so warm today and I love it. We are heading into spring and the warmth and humidity wrap me like a blanket. I am so glad to leave this dreary Indiana winter behind. 

We have had thunderstorms rolling through and warm rains. Milo has changed and was happy to go with me on a walk, despite the rain and sopping  wet hair. He still has an aversion to mud and would rather be carried than step in it. 

Which is not like his sister who had a fit when I tried to steer her away from these puddles. After she played in the mud for quite some time, I picked her up while she screamed and went limp- her surest demonstration of displeasure. She only calmed down when I gave her her shoes and socks- her greatest love in her wardrobe right now. 

In other news, I hope you’re staying home and you’re healthy. 

Happy Saturday. I don’t have to feel lame about staying home anymore because everyone is. Whew! Perks to these new social norms!

P.S. tips to entertaining a 14 month old: raise 30 chickens and watch them incessantly. 
