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Weekends are different when you're all working from home.  Randal and I both got to work today so that we have more flexibility tomorrow.  We are trying to watch the kids while working from home - as many parents are already doing.  Wish us luck.

If I were to run the credits for working from home it would be for: my parents, Disney plus, frozen peas, and ziploc bags full of crayons.  Each one of these has entertained Milo and Marian for longer than I would have expected.

She might looks distressed, but was actually thrilled with her lunch.

Running "as fast as a "cheetah."


torker said…
or not
torker said…
Comment wasn't that Milo wasn't running as fast as a cheetah, he clearly is, but that I might not manage comments for a month (comment from previous post).