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Springtime and sunshine

The problem with social distancing is that you're really short on news.  It doesn't feel like our life is that interesting right now, but it is full, despite seeing so few people.

We are finishing the frozen food in the house.  Frozen blueberries caused some carnage last night.

Marian loves the outdoors and playing ball and this chair that we got from our dear neighbor in Klamath Falls.  The problem with Marian is that she is too darn cute and it's hard to only take one picture.

She has been practicing animal sounds and mimicking us.  She learned "Milo" and "Grandma," but most recently, her most frequent word is "mine."  I'm pretty sure she learned it from Milo.  (But, there is a distinct chance she might have gotten it from me.  Yikes.)

We have also learned a new Facetime trick, thanks to Uncle Pete from graduate school.  A friendly T. Rex chatted with a friendly Milo Lion last night.  Marian did not like it and had to be removed from the conversation.  She definitely spotted something very unnatural about the whole situation.  Smart girl.
