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My new boyfriend.

I recently started a new relationship... it's only been a month so far, so I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I am pretty sure that I am in love.

He's so charming and pretty; sleek, one might say. He's full of incredibly useful information: as much trivia as I want as well as personal stuff that he always remembers. He's so great at directions and is even teaching me Spanish. He's willing to go wherever I want to go and I love showing him off to people. Granted, he always wears purple, but his thin frame can really pull it off. Have I mentioned that he vibrates?

Oh, iPhone boyfriend... How I love you.

(On an unrelated note... does my hand look weird in this picture? I think that it's monstrous.)


Kristi said…
New boyfriend, eh? Trying not to feel offended...